I like to think that I am just like everyone else when it comes to the day to day life. I like eating delicious foods, I like looking at pretty things, I like being entertained, and I like naps. Every so often, it dawns on me that I am a 30 year old man child. I would say that more than half of my day, let's call it 65% is spent making up little games to entertain myself. (read : NOT PLAY WITH MYSELF, YOU PERV!) The following are a short list of things that I do when left to my own devices.
I write haiku's.
Often when I'm bored
On my fingers, count the beats
I did just write that. I don't know I like writing haikus, I always have.
In fact I have been keeping a file of them on my iPhone. When my old iPhone died, I cried a little on the inside. I lost all of my pics and haikus. I knew I could get the games and such again. On a side note, it is REALLY tough to go 5 days with out a phone, let alone and iPhone.
I make up games when I walk down the street.
Sure, everyone since they were a kid played, 'Don't Step on a Crack, or You Break Your Mother's Back' I love my mom just as much as you love yours. Do you want to see your mother with a broken back? Well I don't want to see ANY mothers with a broken back. Famed 90's Rap Group Kris Kross said it best 'Broken backs are wiggity-wiggity-wiggity wack!' Well said KK! Krossed out 4EVA!
Other games I play when I walk down the street. F or P. I believe that I have talked about this game before on a video post. I am not the first person to play this game, I am the first that gave it a name. F or P stands for Fat or Pregnant. I know that it doesn't make me a good person to play this game. I will have to atone for my sins on this at some point. I also have previously mentioned that I don't mind if a girl is curvy. I also think pregnant ladies are SO pretty. There really is something attractive about a pregnant glow. With all of that said, I play it a lot. I know it's not nice... Do you forgive me?
Other random games :
Sometimes when I am supposed to be working, I get the bottle of hand sanitizer and I try to get all of the bubbles out of the gel. It's harder than it looks.
I try to get songs stuck in people's heads.
Check this out..
Private eyes (CLAP-CLAP)
Are watching you (CLAP-CLAP)
They see your every move.
Private eyes (CLAP-CLAP)
Are watching you (CLAP-CLAP)
Private eeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyeeeeeeees... are watching you.
Tell me you didn't sing along?! I know you did.. In an hour from now, you can thank me.
The only real challenge to entertaining yourself and making up little games is that I tend to move on. In fact I am getting a little bored writing this out. I am sure that you are feeling something similar reading this... NO WAIT.. No you aren't. You're still singing Private eyes (CLAP-CLAP), aren't you?!
After reading this post again, I sound sedestic. I am really nice!
What about you dear reader? What games do you play.
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