Something that has come up in coversations with my friends recently is the thought of loving or leaving people. Sure I know that we are supposed to love everyone. At what point do you have to draw a line and say, 'from here on out you are on your own'?
I have a couple friends that I heart dearly. (Notice my use of heart instead of love, it's not a word I throw around lightly, probably something to do with my commitment-phobia. Which I think that I am getting over, but that is for another posting, back to our regularly scheduled blog) There isn't much I wouldn't not do for my friends, except help them move, which I will do, just not excited about it. I like to think that my friends can come to me with all of their issues and I will help them work them out. I don't think of myself as a know it all or a guru or anything, I have worked for a while to become the person my friends and family trust with their issues. I don't go blabbing around town about people's business. It's not for everyone to know, or anyone else besides me and that friend. I want to help my friends but I feel like sometimes it doesn't matter. They are going to do what they are going to do, the hell they will go through be damned.
I say all of this to ask the question. When do you get to that point that friend becomes a bad ROI (Return On Investment)? I know that we shouldn't look at people as investments, but the are! You invest your time, efforts, money (hanging out isn't free), reputation, credibilty, etc into those people. I don't become friends with someone thinking that I am going to get something out of them other than a friendship, but I have had some friends that I don't even get that. I feel like they are a black hole of my efforts and resources. So when should someone cut thier losses?
I want you to know, sometimes, I am a crappy friend. I know this. I break plans, I get lazy and don't want to meet up with people, I indirectly insult them, (usually not meaning to), but I want and try to be a good friend.
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how are you able to do all that cool stuff with blogger? I love the set up of the blog! For some reason the menu buttons don't work for me. -- hugs Susan Rankus
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