Throughout my life, with the help of some friends, I have crafted what I like to call Christopher's rules of life. I am going to start a series about this. Of course like any good writer, I can't just start at one and work through to the end. I need to leave some intrigue. Right now, you started reading this and wondered, Life rule #2 is No Drama, but what' life rule #1? You'll find out soon enough...
On to Life Rule #2... No Drama
No Drama, because 95% of the time, it isn't worth it.
Think about that statement, it rings so true. How many times have you been in a fight over something comepletely inane? Finding yourself in a heated battle over which BBQ style is best, (Memphis Dry rub, BTW).
Here is an example of someone not following Life Rule #2, and someone, your hero, following life rule #2.
The following event is a true story, that happened just last night.
Setting 14th street 4/5/6 train stop, NYC.
As I went to get on the train and a guy ran past me, to get a seat on the train. I was going for one of those folding seats at the end of the car because I had my bike with me, I went for one and he grabbed it.. I went for the other one and he grabbed that one too. Next thing I know he was squatting between to the seats with a hand on each. Then his partner came up and was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
He said, "I saved us some seats."
Partner: "That guy was going to sit there, we can sit here"
Seat Grabber: "No, you sit there, I will sit here,"
Partner: "Sir, you can have that seat, I will just stand"
Me: "No it's fine, he obviously wants you to have that seat more than me"
Seat grabber: "FINE! Don't be surprised if his drunk ass pukes on you"
Partner: "He's really drunk, I am trying to get him home.. please take the seat"
Me: "After all this drama, there is NO way I am taking the seat"
Large black woman: "Shit, I'll take that seat."
Drunk seat grabber: "I was saving that for him"
Partner: "Will someone just take the seat?!"
Large black woman sits down.
Do you see how there could have been drama in that situation over something as trivial as a seat on the subway?
Don't get me wrong, there are things in life worth fighting for. Goals, family, children, and 1/2 priced designer labels. But most of the time not even close to being worth it.
So what about you, what experiences have you had with Life Rule #2?